Sanjoy Dey



A composition at the heart of a recital or a reflection of how an artiste understands the raga.

How Music Can Improve Your Mental Health

Music is a powerful tool. It can help boost your mood as well as mend a broken heart. For centuries, music has played an important role when it comes to our ability to cope with life’s greatest highs and lows. It’s only been in recent years that research has suggested music can help combat depression and anxiety, along with a host of other mental health issues. Music therapy is one technique administered by healthcare professionals to help support people as they strive to improve and gain control over their mental health, functioning, and well-being.

Music Therapy

Music has powerful effects on the mind. Different styles of music can have a significant effect on a person’s mood very quickly, and it can help them experience and process a wide range of emotions, from happiness to excitement, as well as sadness, calmness, and thoughtfulness.

The Importance of Classical Music

In a society focused on the latest technology, dance crazes, and what is trending on social media, it is easily understood why so many believe the art of classical music is in many ways irrelevant. However, with more music being produced in today’s era than ever before, and with many artists drawing inspiration from classical pieces, this old art form is long from dead. Over the centuries, classical music has transformed itself to become a building block, setting the framework for musicians of all types today. Many studies have even shown that music especially learning or listening to classical can have a wide variety of benefits.


Your vocal cords are your instrument as a singer. You wouldn't paddle a canoe with a cello or hit a golf ball with a flute. Likewise, you should never abuse your voice. Healthy vocal cords will allow you to exercise your full range and produce a full, pure, tuneful sound. And even if you’re more Iron Maiden than Iolanthe, if you want a career as a singer, your vocal health should be your number one priority.

Music Can Motivate

There are so many different genres and styles of music today, but we all listen to at least one kind of music. We listen to music to relieve boredom, have fun with friends, and even motivate ourselves. I usually don't hesitate to turn down the volume of my music for studying. It's normal for us. But why are we doing this?

History of Tanpura

Taanpura (or tanpura ) is an indian instrument is a stringed Indian music instrument. In Carnatic music, it is known as tambura. It is used as a drone instrument in Indian classical music. Taanpura is not used to create melody or Rhythm.

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